Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP)



Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP)

What is the Canadian Agricultural Partnership?

CAP is a five-year, $3 billion federal-provincial-territorial investment in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector set to begin in April 2018, and is the successor of the 2013-18 Growing Forward 2 partnership. In Alberta, CAP represents a federal - provincial investment of $406 million in strategic programs and initiatives for the agricultural sector.

The roll-out of the CAP program suite in Alberta will begin in April, 2018. It will consist of a phased roll-out of 15 programs over the spring, summer and fall of 2018. Applications and program details consisting of cost-shares and eligible activities and/or items will be released with the opening of each program. The criteria for eligibility will be made available along with the program details.

In Alberta, CAP will deliver programs developed in consultation with stakeholders, and is organized under five themes: Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change; Products, Market Growth and Diversification; Science and Research; Risk Management; and Public Trust.

CAP is currently accepting applications for certain programs. Please visit for more information.

WCFA is happy to assist producers with funding applications for these programs. For assistance please contact Jessica at +1.780.621.8670


Canada Thistle Stem-Gall Fly


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