Inventures 2024 Conference

Carri recently participated in the dynamic Inventures 2024 Conference, hosted by Alberta Innovates from May 28th to May 30th. The event drew in over 4000 attendees, comprising a diverse mix of start-up entrepreneurs, seasoned professionals, and esteemed speakers. Among the myriad of topics explored, one prominent track titled "Growing Up: Food Tech Farm to Fork" delved into pivotal issues and innovative solutions within the realm of Agriculture and Food.

Here’s a concise overview of the enlightening sessions that Farming Forward had the privilege to attend:

From Bytes to Bites: Re-booting the Agri-Food Sector

  • Esteemed Presenters: Dana McCauley (CEO, Canadian Food Innovation Network), Jonathan McFadden (Research Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture), Jacqueline Keena (Managing Director, EMILI), Dr. Joy Agnew (VP Research, Olds College), Godard (COO, Verge Agriculture)

  • This insightful session illuminated the crucial role of data in transforming the agricultural landscape. It emphasized the significance of harnessing critical data to drive informed decision-making and optimize ROI. While envisioning a future marked by autonomous farming, the session also candidly addressed the hurdles hindering this technological advancement, such as the lack of comprehensive farm and equipment digital mapping. However, with tools like Deep Sight’s ocular devices and a focus on digitizing generational wisdom, the prospects of automation are promising, offering solutions to labor shortages and enhancing precision in farming practices through AI-driven decision-making.

Smart Farm Networks: Scaling Up On-Farm Digital Solutions

  • Distinguished Presenters: Andrea Johnston (Assistant Deputy Minister, ISED-Government of Canada), Andrienne Levey (Instructor & Researcher, Agriculture Technology & Applied Research, Lakeland College), Nick Pagett (Executive Director, AgriPark, Charles Sturt University), Dr. Trisha Toop (Delivery Director, UK Agri-Tech Centre)

  • This session underscored the importance of user-centric technological solutions in driving agricultural innovation. With a spotlight on the Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network Ltd. (CAAIN), attendees gained insights into initiatives aimed at tailoring technology to meet farmers' needs. Emphasizing three innovation pillars—Automation and Robotics, Data-Driven Decision-Making, and Validation and Demonstration—the session advocated for Smart Farms as catalysts for evaluating and implementing cutting-edge technologies, thereby accelerating the adoption of transformative practices in Canadian agriculture.

Nature Inspired: Biological Solutions for Agricultural Challenges

  • Noteworthy Presenters: Peter Gross (CTO, Lucent Biosciences), Tom Lynch Staunton (Regional Vice-President-Alberta, Nature Conservatory of Canada), Dana Gibson (Executive Director, Smart Agriculture and Food, Alberta Innovates), Janna Greir (Co-Founder, Solar Sheep Inc.)

  • This enlightening session showcased innovative biological solutions aimed at addressing agricultural challenges sustainably. From plant-based fertilizers to symbiotic relationships between renewable energy production and grazing animals, the presentations highlighted the pivotal role of nature-inspired approaches in fostering ecological resilience and enhancing agricultural sustainability.

Other Networking Opportunities

·     Throughout the 3-day conference, networking and meeting new people was encouraged. It’s truly amazing how you meet the right people at the right time when you’re open-minded and curious. Here are a few great connections we made that may turn into future collaborations:

o   Bio Energy Solutions: A soil amendment made from algae produced here in Alberta. They also have products that adjust soil pH, control weeds and pests organically, and increase soil quality. Have a look here:

o   Clinisys AI Solutions: An Alberta-based company of 12 years in the Healthcare sector, this AI-powered data analysis tool could help sort through and make sense of large amounts of data. The organization is interested in Agriculture applications and is looking for ways to apply their data organization, analysis, and predictive models to farm scale in hopes of moving toward more precise practices. This will save the producer time and money. Have a look here:

o   Flokk: An Alberta producer designed a herd management tool that digitizes and streamlines reporting herd data. This tool is still in the prototype stage but will be available soon. Have a look here:

o   Thrive by SVG Ventures: This Venture firm focuses on advancing the Food and Agriculture industries by supporting startups, corporations, universities, and growers to solve the biggest challenges. If you have an idea that could transform the Agriculture world, they will help you get there. Have a look here:

Additionally, the conference featured the presence of Ameca, the world’s most advanced humanoid robot powered by Chat GPT4.0. Ameca offered invaluable advice to farmers contemplating the integration of AI into their practices, further illustrating the convergence of cutting-edge technology and agricultural innovation.  


Quarter 1: Forage Survey Results


Pond Days - Yellowhead County