Farming Forward - Director - Raymond Chittick
Raymond Chittick is a long-standing member of the Mayerthorpe community. Having graduated and built his family and farm in the area, he continues to contribute to local agriculture. Raymond currently works with Horizon Ag & Turf in Mayerthorpe and also sells Northstar and Imperial seeds.
Farming alongside his wife and children, Raymond has grown their operation significantly since purchasing their first quarter section in 2002. Today, their farm specializes in selling purebred Hereford and Simmental breeding stock through a cow-calf operation, with an annual bull sale held each spring.
Another key focus of the farm is polycrop production. For over eight years, Raymond has been conducting his own small-plot trials and large-scale polycrop growing, planting 5–6 test plots each year to expand his knowledge of what thrives in the region.
Passionate about knowledge sharing, Raymond actively learns from and collaborates with fellow farmers to improve agricultural practices.
What specific challenges are you currently facing on your farm that you believe research could address?
One significant challenge is calcium deficiency, which affects many farms in the area with high clay soils. These soils often have imbalanced calcium and magnesium levels, hindering optimal crop growth.
Additionally, soil health awareness is increasing among producers. More crop farmers are adopting diverse rotations, including both annual and perennial crops, to enhance soil quality and productivity.
How do you see the future of agriculture evolving?
"I see farming becoming increasingly focused on diversity—especially on the biological health of soils and plants. The future of agriculture will emphasize sustainable practices that build resilience in both crops and ecosystems."